Becki Cross

Becki Cross is Managing Director of Events Northern Ltd, a UK event and conference management company established in 2004. Becki set up the business in her early twenties and is particularly passionate about conferences, innovation, entrepreneurship and the legacy of events.

Becki is also the Deputy Editor, Community Manager and Contributor to EventMB, her dream job alongside event planning!

Follow Becki via @beckitrain.

Event Management

The Dark Side of the Events Industry

The events industry - an exciting, vibrant community that we adore working in (most of the time at least!). But there is also a dark side too. Here are 19 unsavoury elements of the world of events and what we can do to make it better.
Event Management

What You See vs What Eventprofs See

Ever get the feeling that you see the world differently as an event planner to the rest of the world? Here is a peek into these very different vantage points.
Event Management

What a Non Professional Event Planner Can Teach Eventprofs

Sometimes event planners can learn a lot from those that haven’t had a formal event education and training. Here are seven important things non-professional event planners can teach, or at least remind, event professionals.
Event Management

The Ultimate Guide to Planning a Conference Panel Discussion

Panel discussions are a popular part of many conferences but there are lots of things to consider to ensure a successful session. Break away from the norm and shake up your panel using these pro tips and by taking inspiration for interesting layouts and furniture options from pictures of real life events.
Event Management

18 Struggles Only Eventprofs Working From Home Understand

Working from home could be the best choice you ever made. Or you could hate every minute of the solitude and isolation. Anyone working from home will identify with these 18 daily struggles - whether real or imagined!