
Learn how to work more effectively in partnership with your venue. Negotiate better deals, communicate better and secure the best and most innovative hotels and venues to host your events.


The Neverending Fam Scammer Nightmare

As long as there have been fams, there have been fam scammers. They’re a costly nuisance that the industry can’t seem to get under control.

Why Australia Is Attracting Global Appeal Among Meeting Planners

Australia's incredible scenery, boom in state-of-the-art meeting venues and accommodation, and commitment to sustainability have placed it top of mind for incentive trip and association meeting planners.

Tapping Into Unexpected Moments to Elevate Events

Creating authentic and unexpected experiences is a surefire way to maintain attendee engagement, thus making your event much more valuable than a standard day inside a convention center.

4 Ways to Bring the Surprise Travel Trend to Meetings

The trend for mystery trips is on the rise — but your destination doesn’t have to be a secret to be a surprise. We reveal how event planners can inject the unexpected into their next off-site meeting by seeking out classic activities with a dash of quirkiness, creativity, and place.