Facebook Offline Vol. 2 - Renault at AutoRAI

This post investigates .
I've covered in the past how services such as Likify are revolutionizing online/offline integration. I've also discussed how Coca-Cola uses RFID to increase their fan base. On top of that, I've covered NFC and how Google stepping in the game may change things.
What's New, Julius? I Have Little Time!
I stumbled upon a Springwise article showing a case study of how Renault uses RFID to boost their Facebook Page liking.
How Does it Work?
Courtesy of Renault, here is a video that explains the whole process:
What Are the Results?
OK we've seen all of the above few times, but I wanted to dig deeper and understand what is the impact of such integration.
Springwise mentions that a swipe of the badge would automatically Like a car model and share a link of that car to the cardholder Facebook profile.
Fair enough, but what about the long term engagement online, how do you keep that going?
Looking at the Facebook page there are only 860 Likes. If you think that the show is attended by more than 250,000 people - that is not a great conversion rate.
To put it in perspective, the Youtube video above - at the time of writing - has more than 14K views.
Despite the page amazing design, similar Renault pages in terms of market size and Facebook penetration have 4 times as many likers.
What Can We Learn and Few Best Practices
My guess is that Renault pull together a fantastic, innovative initiative but failed to fully deliver on the bigger picture. Why did that happen?
Clear Actions. I noticed that the badge says 'Do You Like Us?' - Seriously, is that it? Is this the call to action?
I may like you, but what am I going to get in exchange for liking you? I feel just asking people to like something is not enough. You should outline the reasons why and you better think about cool reasons as competition is getting fierce.
Think Long Term. How does my action offline converts into a long term commitment with your brand? Why don't I become fan of Renault Netherlands instead.
That would have allowed Renault to keep constant communication with me after the event and share what hey are up to. After all sharing a car model randomly with my friends is a bit of a lost opportunity. It looks like a one off with little context.
In Conclusion
I think Renault seriously experimented with something cool and they are definitely onto something here. I am sure next year they will pull twice as many fans, though. And so will you.