Christina Green

Christina R. Green is a digital storyteller and writer for associations and businesses, including journals such as the Midwestern Society of Association Executive's magazine and industry blogs. She's a voracious reader but has been known to stop reading if there are too many exclamation points used.


Utilizing the Power of Storytelling at Your Next Event

“Tell me a story” is not just a bedtime-stalling tactic practiced by elementary school children everywhere. It’s a desire that runs as an undercurrent of many cultures. If you’re not using storytelling at your event, you’re missing an opportunity for connection and much more.
Event Management

18 Ways to Get More People to Your Fundraising Event

It’s difficult to have a successful fundraising event without attendees. If you’re struggling to get more people to your fundraiser, it’s time you branch out. Try these ideas.
Event Management

How To Convince Your Boss to Support Event Innovation

Don’t get mired in the old ways of doing things with a conservative board, client, or employer who’s fearful of change. Present your ideas to innovate with confidence by following these tips.
Event Management

9 Ways to Increase Exhibitor ROI Before, During and After the Event

Ensuring your exhibitors have the largest return on investment (ROI) possible is just as important as attendees having an enjoyable experience. With a poor return on their investment, exhibitors won’t be back. And without them, you’ve lost a significant amount of revenue and you’ll need to fill their spots in the future.
Event Management

11 Meetings You Need for an Awesome Event

Meetings often have a bad reputation as a good way of wasting time but these eleven types of actions will ensure everyone’s on track and working towards a successful event.