10 Reasons Why You Shouldn’t Miss TIDE Conference

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March 7th, 2019 at 8:00 AM EST

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Every year, creative professionals working in experiential marketing, meeting/event planning, event design, and production attend TIDE to experience the latest in AV technology, showcase examples of extraordinary vision, and inspire each other.


The pressure for creatives to come up with new, innovative event experiences is real, and it can be hard to find technology that keeps up with their ideas. Professional growth depends on the ability to stoke the fire of inspiration and stay on top of new technology and best practices.

TIDE is a unique opportunity for event planning creatives to explore the boundaries of audiovisual technology. TIDE, which stands for Technology, Innovation, Design, and Experience, will connect you with innovators from event production companies, creative agencies, experiential design firms and content creators. These visionaries will share how technology can create immersive physical, digital and virtual experiences, and how these engagements produce dynamic results.

Produced by AVIXA™, the Audiovisual and Integrated Experience Association, this year’s conference on June 11 in Orlando, Florida, is the place to be if you’re ready to take your event design to another level. Here are 10 reasons why:


10 Reasons TIDE Conference Is a Must-Attend Event

Whether you’re investing in your own professional development or your employer is paying for it, here are 10  reasons why you can’t afford to ignore the benefits of attending TIDE Conference.


Guided Networking Activities Yield Quality Exchanges 

Since networking is such an important part of TIDE, you can expect a lot of interactive sessions and time set aside for networking. There are roundtable lunch discussions, breakout sessions, and two breaks during the day in which you can meet knowledgeable professionals in the areas and industries that interest you most.

The conference concludes the learning-packed day with a reflection on the part of the attendees with networking and drinks.


Actionable Learning for Better Events

TIDE is not only about creative discussion, but applicable learning, too. Sessions explore important topics, like using data to create effective emotional experiences, and present real-life examples of immersive tech to show you what it takes to implement it. You’ll come back with a host of new ideas and ways to execute them through an increased understanding of technology and what’s available at multiple price points.

If you have a particular concern or challenge, the attendees and presenters at TIDE may have suggestions or case studies that can help you overcome it. TIDE begins with an interactive session designed to identify what the audience is most interested in, and the conference builds upon that information for more structured, invested learning.

Expert-Facilitated Learning for Deeper Understanding

TIDE attracts giants in audiovisual technology and connects them to people creating extraordinary events and campaigns. Networking and idea exchange are at the crux of this professionally valuable conference.

You may also have the opportunity to exchange ideas with presenters and thought-leaders. This year’s program includes sessions with a number of notable figures:

The conference is based around exchange and collaboration, so the learning continues outside of the sessions during breaks and the end-of-day mixer.


Topical Inspiration for Creative Thinking

The focus of TIDE is to demonstrate how technology and design can be harmonized to create unforgettable experiences, and to empower that creative thinking within the attendees. Every session in the full-day conference focuses on a different aspect of the connection behind driving creative ideas and bringing them to life.


This year’s agenda explores some cutting-edge topics, including


It’s the marriage of design and technology that makes this conference unique. As Daan Roosegarde, a Dutch artist and former speaker at TIDE Amsterdam said, “If you only focus on the idea, it’s just an idea. If you only focus on the technology, it’s too harsh or too brutal. It really is about this symbiotic relationship, and that’s a ping pong – that’s a dialogue.”


Interactivity Drives a More Meaningful Experience

At TIDE, professionals working in design and AV technology focus on creative problem solving and addressing the limitations that most creatives face in a very personalized and interactive way. The conference blends a mix of main stage talks, cutting-edge case studies, and breakout workshops. The goal behind this fresh approach is to inspire attendees to shift perspectives, unlock new value propositions, and push the boundaries of what technology can do for their clients and their business.

Audience members are invited to participate and share experiences. As an attendee, you have input on what the conference will cover. The first session of the morning, entitled Mapping the Experience, is designed around feedback from attendees on their expectations for TIDE. The session’s conversation will then be used to measure the conference’s progress against what was desired by the group. The ultimate goal is to explore a new understanding of the unique value AV technologists bring to experience design.


Perfect to Pair with InfoComm

TIDE starts the day before the InfoComm exhibit hall opens. Attending both events means you’ll be prepared for a more meaningful experience on the show floor. At TIDE, you’ll hear about new and creative applications of AV technology. This will give you context the following day, as you walk the exhibit hall at InfoComm, checking out the latest products. With TIDE under your belt, you’ll be able to have more intelligent discussions about how to creatively implement them in your own work.

This powerful combination will enhance the practicality of your exchanges at InfoComm. Everything presented at TIDE, no matter how creative and fantastic, can be implemented through the current tech available. TIDE attendees walk away inspired by the idea exchange, and the technologists and vendors at InfoComm are the perfect experts to help them execute on those ideas.

While TIDE is a nice prelude to the 40,000-person large InfoComm, it stands on its own merits as well. TIDE focuses on the experience and human side of the tech, while InfoComm presents the hardware and software behind the designs in a much deeper dive.

Creative Exchange with People in Multiple Industries

At TIDE, you’ll meet creatives and those who work in tech. Individuals at the tops of their profession bring their diverse talents to a collaborative space for intense learning and creative problem-solving.

One of the highlights of the program is the Interactive Design Workshop. There, the audience will exchange ideas and learn innovative storytelling techniques, creative modes of sociality, and how to increase community engagement to cultivate interaction. The group activity invites informed reflection and generates conversation. In this interactive workshop, attendees can learn how the design-thinking principles that permeate the creation of public interactives can spark new ideas for technical challenges.

The session will be led by seasoned professionals from the University of Texas at Dallas School of Arts, Technology, and Emerging Communication, which has a multi-disciplinary focus bringing together concepts of arts, science, technology, history, and design.


Convenience, Cost, and ROI

TIDE packs amazing learning into one day, allowing even the busiest event planners and designers to fit it into their schedule. The conference provides quick, robust learning in an abbreviated schedule – no long blocks on your calendar. With this concentrated learning, you can be inspired in a fraction of the time that most conferences take.

Orlando is also easy to get to, with nonstop flights from more than 130 cities around the world. Airfares and hotel rooms are among some of the lowest of a major travel destination.

With a concentrated learning approach condensed to one day as well as easy and inexpensive travel, return on your professional development dollar is excellent.


Memorable Fun for Longer-lasting Connections

Yes, TIDE offers some of the best single-day learning, networking, and idea exchange for an audience that is comprised of multi-industry professionals, but it also is a lot of fun. People with creative minds embrace their inner geek. What’s not to love?


Attendees find that TIDE is the type of conference that brings people together from various groups and backgrounds and their exchange produces an electric environment that pops with excitement. Unlike some conferences where everyone has the same career path and role, this conference is alive with interdisciplinary exchanges among people who enjoy what they do.


An Amazing Location Means Even More Fun and Creativity

The 2019 conference is being held in a hotbed of creativity: Orlando, Florida. Attend the conference and take time to strengthen your creative muscles in a city built on imagination and dreams. A change of scenery often inspires creativity.


TIDE’s interdisciplinary focus and ability to bring creatives and tech-driven experts together for a day makes it a must-attend event. The connections and exchange of ideas give everyone a fresh viewpoint on the possibilities behind AV technology.

Want to know more about this professional and fun growth opportunity? Additional information and registration can be found at tideconference.com.


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