Meet the Finalists of #ETY15

We are very proud of the attention Event Technology of the Year has managed to grab, and the high standard of the entrants.
We created one of the most interesting judging line ups ever seen on a technology award, with great industry peeps and venture capital representatives. Finding the balance in judging up-and-coming startups and established event technology providers was no easy challenge but we identified criteria that gave equal opportunities to all contestants and the final 5 are a testament of that.
We also collected over 1,500 votes for the readers choice award. You can still cast your vote here.
We are very excited for the award night in Las Vegas next week, right after the second day of IMEX. The crème of event technology and media will gather to cheer for the winner.
Without further ado (and in alphabetical order) let me introduce you to the 5 finalists of #ETY15.
The 5 Finalists of #ETY15
Catchbox is the worlds first throwable microphone for audience engagement. Designed to be thrown from one participant to another, the device works great in conferences, meetings, and workshops, where passing a normal stick microphone is slow and cumbersome. Not only is the device intuitive to use and faster than a regular mic, but it’s playful, fun design quickly breaks the ice and gets everyone in the audience to participate.
Inside, the Catchbox includes state of the art technology such as sensors that constantly monitor for motion and turn the audio off when the device is thrown, caught, or dropped, ensuring quality audio at every event. It is a simple and effective tool to create audience engagement.
Crowd Mics
Crowd Mics is an award winning app that powers audience engagement. We have created the first downloadable microphone for live events. The audience can talk into their phones and be heard over the sound system. The app also includes text commenting and live polling features. Crowd Mics is the microphone of the future!
DoubleDutch is a global provider of mobile applications for events, conferences, associations, and trade shows. DoubleDutch makes it easy for marketers and event professionals to create a branded, engaging event experience for attendees, and measure event success using data captured by the DoubleDutch app.
Glisser is a software application that makes presentations interactive. So rather than just sitting in silence being lectured to, audiences can engage with presenters by asking question or voting in polls. Plus, a presenter’s slides can be pushed live to audience smartphones – so they get to keep the content, takes notes electronically, and share with colleagues or via social media.
Presenters get a more engaged audience, and loads of data, feedback and contacts to follow up with. Audiences get the slides, and the chance to make their voice heard – even if they’d rather stay anonymous.
We’re making event technology available to everyone. And ridding the world of boring presentations…
Social Tables has added a native mobile application (Social Tables Mobile) that allows teams to create and manage their events from any location from their iPad. This makes Social Tables the first collaborative event software to have a fully mobile offering. During a site visit or property tour, Social Tables Mobile acts as an aesthetic tool to facilitate a sales team’s business objectives by allowing them the ability to showcase how an empty room could look with their desired setup. Additionally, the mobile app allows planners to communicate with clients and update their events instantaneously, from any location.
In Conclusion
We believe the 5 finalists of Event Technology of the Year are a true representation of what event professionals want from event technology today. If your favourite provider is not a finalist, there is still time to support them by voting here.
Check back with us on October 15th to find out who the winner is and follow #ETY15 on Twitter to get the updates live from the event on October 14th from 5:30 PM PT.