Calling All Event Registration and Ticketing Providers

This is a call for all those providing online or offline software for event registration and ticketing to submit their company.
You know the drill. We are working on something special. The last time we made a similar call, some readers missed it. They regretted it.
So please do not miss it this time. I'll keep it a bit cryptic but you will have more info soon.
If you run a company providing ticketing or registration, do not miss this call.
What Companies Are We Looking For?
If you provide ticketing/registration as your core product, this call is for you.
If you are a startup providing registration/ticketing, this call is for you.
No matter the size, the years of operation or how may users you have - if you provide ticketing/registration - this call is for you.
As simple as that.
How to Submit Your Company
We are going to ask a few questions. We want accurate answers.
If you are planning to introduce a new feature in the future, do not include it in your answer now. If you are planning to open offices in Montecarlo by 2015, do not add it to your answer now.
We will check all answers against publicly available information. If we spot anomalies, we will get in touch to seek clarification.
You just need to respond to this questionnaire.
Please do that by the end of next week - Friday 4th October.
Do not tell us we did not warn you!
PS A lot of people are asking what are we going to do with the questionnaire. The data will be disclosed publicly in a publication, we collect the data for research purposes.
PPS Submitting the questionnaire does not translate in inclusion. We will still check every company for relevancy with the publication scope.
Photo by Chris Owens