Update Your Subscription to Event Manager Blog

This is a quick note to give you some news in regards to subscribing to Event Manager Blog.
I don't get many chances to talk to you directly, I am always busy trying to please you with content that sometimes I forget to say hi and to ask you if everything is going great.
Therefore I'm going to use this post to catch up a bit.
First some housekeeping.
Google Reader is Shutting Down. Act Now.
If you subscribed to this blog via RSS, it is highly likely that you read it in Google Reader.
Google had the fantastic idea to shut down one of the most loved services among their customers. In this post they announced that they are going to close the service the 1st of July. Next week!
Three Better Alternatives
This absurd move by our beloved tech giant has given me the opportunity to explore much better services to read my feeds and new ways to subscribe for content.
Here are a few ways you can keep reading, without any shadow of a doubt, the most unique content about the event industry you'll find on the web 🙂 :
- Use Feedly. This is the easiest way to keep things as they are. Feedly is essentially a better looking GReader that works the same way. Importing your account is as easy as logging in with your Google credentials. Here is a great tutorial.
- Use Flipboard. If you read Event Manager Blog on your tablet or smartphone, Flipboard is one of the most visually engaging way to subscribe to blogs. This is how to move your GReader account to Flipboard.
- Use Email. We are about to pimp up our email subscription with more content and a better look. This is the perfect time to subscribe via email.
A Big Thank You
Your subscription is the engine of this blog. It is the most important signal for us that we are doing the right thing.
It is also the best way to get to know about latest content first.
You showed us incredible support by making 10 Event Trends for 2013 the first presentation about the event industry to surpass the 100k views and you made The Event App Bible an overnight success with more than 5,000 downloads.
We pride ourselves of our audience so make sure to keep in touch with us. We have a few surprises lined up for you.
If you have any questions about your subscription, use the contact section or the comment form. I'll be glad to personally address them.
Photo by HowardLake