10 Resources for Event Marketing Inspiration

It happened to all of us. All of a sudden, blank, no ideas for our event website, invites, concept, Twitter account, Facebook Page.
Where should we look for event marketing ideas when we are desperate for inspiration? Let's see...
The Marketer's Block
It does exist. I am not the only one to say it.
No ideas. Nothing, nada, niente, 沒有.
Don't know what to do with the website. Don't know what to include in your invite. Run out of tweets for the account.
It looks like a desperate situation. Why is that? Maybe you are overwhelmed with stuff to do, maybe you are tired or inexperienced and really don't know where to start.
The marketer's block hits all marketing people sooner or later.
The thing is that your event can't wait. You need to ship it. You need to drive sign-ups. The schedule is hectic. Your boss is watching you.
What a beautiful word. Come on, say it with me. You will feel better, I promise.
Getting inspiration is key when you want to boost your event marketing.
Before you let yourself go, I must warn you. When I say inspiration I don't mean plagiarism. I prefer thinking of inspiration as looking at what others have done and thinking about how you can deliver the same value to your event.
Being inspired means understanding what others have done right or wrong, then forming your opinion and deploying your plan. Because your event is unique and with uniqueness it needs to be treated.
As the Nobel prize Albert Szent-Gyorgyi puts it:
Discovery consists of seeing what everybody has seen and thinking what nobody has thought.
Here are Your Event Marketing Ideas
1. Quirky business ideas and campaigns. Springwise.
This is a must read for everyone in business. Springwise is particularly popular with event lovers. There is some hidden synergy in the way our mind works and the way this blog throws at us amazing trends from around the world. I invite you to have a look at the Marketing and Advertising section.
2. Flyers and Invites Collections. Flyer Inspiration.
This website is dedicated to collect the best flyers for clubs and music events. I guess we all agree these kind of events produce the best flyers in the industry.
3. Event Websites Inspiration. Us.
When it gets to finding inspiration for event website design, we pride ourselves for delivering the best content. Look no further and use the search box!
4. Brochure Design. Smashing Share.
In the above post they showcased 50 beautiful fashion brochures. And Fashion knows how to do brochures. Gone - Try this.
5. Event Goodies. ConferenceBasics.
Gianfranco is an event marketer that goes to lots of cool events. So what? You may say. Well, he makes in depth reviews and adds pictures of the goodie bags. Have a look.
6. Event Blog. Problogger.
Darren Rowse has been constantly delivering ideas and suggestions to make your blog better. Have a look at this post to begin.
7. Tweeting. Top 100 Events Twitter Account.
Well, just scroll through the list and learn from the masters.
8. Video. TED.
When looking at how to make and use video, TED is the example to follow. Review their database and have a look at how they master video to augment the event.
9. Buzz for Product Launch. Apple.
No product launch will ever match the level of noise and buzz that Apple generates. Tons of blog posts, top trending topic on Twitter worldwide. Here is a review of their approach.
10. Email Marketing. Email Design Review.
This website is packed with best practices and examples of some of the most amazing emails ever sent. Forward it to your friends.
In Conclusion
You should treat your event as peerless.
Sometimes though it's good to go out and take a look at what the world is up to?
Now, where do YOU find your event marketing inspiration? Comment below!
Photo by Fosters' art of Chilling via Flickr