Xing Event in London, good start!

Xing has been advertising heavily in London lately. You could see the ad below pretty much everywhere on the tube.

Climb the corporate ladder

Image by edmittance via Flickr

As an active networker, I checked it out and was definitely impressed. The interface is much better than Linkedin and it serves the networking purpose in greater detail (Wants/Haves section).

I was also happy to receive almost two years of premium membership for free just inviting my network to join (you get a month every 10 new sign ups).

What got me hooked up with Xing is the focus on events. They have a large, dedicated section and they feature Xing official events. Now you know I run a Meetup called Linked in London. I'd have been much happier if Linkedin did it for me, but my emails never got a reply.

To demonstrate the difference in the approach, Xing has an ambassador program which empowers top local users to carry events and evangelise on the territory. The major concern of Linkedin, on the other hand, appears to be cashing in the premium membership, although they recently replied to a post in this blog and possibly things are changing.

Going back to the event, it was very packed. They announced 75% turn up rate which is impressive, considering that the event was free and we all know how though is to get people to show when there's no money involved.

Food was great, free drinks and several goodies. Now this is what I am talking about.

What Xing understood very well is that online networking is a tool to network better offline. And they delivered a great event to do so.

I also had the chance to chat with Liz, UK and Ireland BDM who was very nice and welcoming.

I definitely suggest you get a profile there and join our Events 2.0 Group!

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