Why can't we be friends?

While my visit at Confex 2008 did not leave me with the best memory, I had an interesting meeting with my friend Rob. He participates a lot in Event-Management-Uk a great website and forum about events with an awful lot of information on events.

I could see his dedication and willingness to share information, define practices, give advice to others involved in the industry.

He made me realize how event planners tend to be very possessive with what they know and how difficult it is to share knowledge.

I have to admit it is very true. If you just think e.g. about the number of blogs about sales or PR and you compare it with events you'll see the ratio is ridiculous.

That translates to me in a lot of people who know how to do stuff but are not eager to share content.

If you are in events, I think you should start blogging now! I am convinced we need far more blogs about events than we currently have. It's simply not enough.

I do not think about other blogs about events as competition. The good thing about the Blogoshpere is that the more point of views, the better for everyone blogging.

To demonstrate what I state, you'll find a list of blogs about events below. I think that the content these people create on a daily basis is magnificent and worth reading.

To present them to you in the best possible fashion I decided to select the article that I loved the most, so you can start exploring the rest of the blog. Maybe you know some of them, or maybe not, but hey give 'em a go:

- Breastest Friends @ Ready2Spark

- Are you Ready to take the leap @ It's a Jaime Thing

- Tips for throwing a Budget's Kids Party @ Australia Entertains

- 3 Types of Online Events You Can Host @ IndraSurya

- Now this is worthwhile, memorable and a sure fire guerrilla stunt. This is theater. @ Steve Dennis Event Design

- Going green should not make you feel blue @ Corporate Events Thought

- Event Design tip: Think outside the Table @ SwallowSpecialEvents

- Helpful Event Planning Tools @ Bonjour Events New!

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