20+ resources for a smooth BarCamp

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I recently engaged seriously in running a BarCamp called ecoCamp (the page is in Italian but I'll be more than happy to answer questions about it). In the process, I noted that there is no page where you can find most of the resources available on how to run a BarCamp. Therefore, I started to collect a few that helped during the processes.

This list is not complete and needs your participation to become thorough. So if you feel you want to add a link just contact me and I'll put it straight away pointing out the person that sent it. Please use the contact me section also to report bad links and I'll immediately try to solve the problem. Should you have general comments or want to suggest new sections, please use the comment form below. Do not post extra links in comments as I'd like to make the list complete.

There we go:


- What is a BarCamp?

Official Wikipedia description of what is a BarCamp

- What is an Open Creative Community

These guys are my personal heroes. They organized the Toronto Transit Camp and got this article published on the Harvard Business Review.

- The BarCamp Virgin's Guide: Making the most of your first BarCamp

Great guide by Vero, everyone should read it!

- What to expect at a Barcamp

The official BarCamp wiki gives info. Two articles about the Preparation and the Event day.

- The Rules of BarCamps

Few rules that I personally suggest to integrate with OST

- Previous BarCamp events

You need to have a look at what has been previously done. What tools have been used? How has the wiki been modified?

- The Open Grid

Some BarCamps have adopted this method to run the camp. I really like it personally.

- The BarCamp official Google Group

Where I got most of the inspiration. You'll find great people in the group!

Get things done

- How to get Started

Great info for the planning stage. Sets you clear objectives and an idea of to do's.

- The BarCamp Template

A great starting point. Not only for BarCamps but for any kind of event. Gives you a clear picture of what you need to evaluate.

- Making your BarCamp accessible

The most important for me. The concept behind Open Source is accessibility. You need to ensure that if you're hosting any kind of event but even more if you're up to a BarCamp.

- BarCamp Kit

Great information on what you should bring along when planning a camp

- Planning and Budgeting

Again BarCampLA planning and budget. Great information on what you need to consider.

- BarCampLA guide

BarCampLA has been a successful BarCamp. I was very inspired from their work. Have a look at how they managed audience education.

- Set up a free Mailing List

BarCamp Online Groups allows you to do that

How to's

- 10 Steps on how to run a BarCamp

This is a great post with practical information. It really helped out. Great tips for promotion and wiki setting

- Advice on how to run a BarCamp

A great post with great information. I'd suggest it is more about telling you what your approach should be. It worked for me.

- Dummies Guide to BarCamp

Every respectful discipline has its own dummies guide. This one is particularly comprehensive and gives you precise tips based on an BarCamp experience. I loved the local approach of the post.

the (Pb)wiki

- On using the wiki

If you're hosting a camp you'll probably end up using pbwiki

- How to format the wiki page

Pbwiki formatting can be tricky I suggest to have a look at previous BarCamp events to get inspired

- Advanced Pbwiki Formatting

If you want to customize, insert a table of contents, change color of font and so forth.


- BarCamp Nashville

More than 530 people. They claim to be the first unconference!

- BarCamp Orlando - What is a BarCamp

A great video to explain what is a BarCamp. I'd use on of them to explain crucial things such as the wiki, the blog, the culture and the approach.

- BarCamp SF - What is BarCamp

Great interviews with people talking about BarCamps

- BarCampMilwaukee2

I really love this video. I think it gives you a clear idea of what happens ina Camp

- BarCampLondon

A very useful collection of videos on this Camp as well as the future of BarCamps


- Get yourself a twitter account

- Tell people to use #eventname when talking about you and add @hashtags for aggregation

- Use Twittercamp to see what it is being twitted during the event

External resources

- amiando

Great tool to manage regular events as well as camps

- MeetUp

Some camps use MeetUp to manage interaction and meetings

- Project Management Resources

What I've collected for your project management needs.

- Ustream

We've set up and run 2 rooms to broadcast the event. Nice and easy with the chance to moderate comments and to interact in a chat. If viewers have their own channel they can be added to the show making it a video conference.

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