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EventOrb unleashes Event Calendar
Thank you LeWeb
LeWeb08 was a crucial appointment for Internet startups, held in Paris few days ago. The conference was packed with obstacles, but I learned a great lesson: watching events online is a great thing.
Be more Pecha Kucha!
Pecha Kucha nights were started in 2003 by Mark Dytham and Astrid Klein in Tokyo. The nights are aimed at young designers, the format teaches a lot to all of us engaged with boring presentations
Xing Event in London, good start!
Watch out, storm ahead!
If you are within the hundreds of subscribers of this blog, you are aware that Web 2.0 is changing events and probably you are already adapting. Truth is that there are tons of conventional planners who think this is a FAD. Let me talk to you for a second.
New Events section on Linkedin
15 ways to promote your event offline
The Slideshare love continues. Here is another one on how to promote your event offline.
25 signs your event SUCKS - Slides
Event Management
Free Gantt with Google [Video]
You're already using event management software, but sometimes you just need a quick Gantt chart. Thankfully, Google Docs just introduced a gadget to easily create Gantt charts. Here's how to use it.
Top five ways to keep your career going
If you are experiencing the negative impact of the economic crisis or you find very difficult to keep up with new technologies this post will help you in keeping up.
Event Management