Oveit: Smart Ticketing for Better Event Experiences [Review] Oveit is a ticketing tool to empower event planners to build experiences for their attendees. Here is our review. Becki Cross | 8 years ago
zkipster: Custom Event Invitations with Style [Review] zkipster event management software has just launched new event invitation features to add to its current functionality. Here is our review. Becki Cross | 8 years ago
Emburse: Take Control of Event Costs [Review] Emburse enables event managers to create and distribute expense cards to keep their event budget on track. Here is our review. Becki Cross | 8 years ago
Evenium ConnexMe: Taking Event Engagement to the Next Level [Review] Evenium ConnexMe have added new features for engagement, brainstorming and collaboration to their event app. Here is our review. Becki Cross | 8 years ago
Regpack: A Tailored Registration Experience [Review] Regpack is an online registration platform which enables you to create a bespoke process tailored to the individual. Here is our review. Becki Cross | 8 years ago
Convene at 237 Park Avenue - Is it The Venue of The Future? [Venue Review] We are very excited to launch our latest section, Venue Reviews. The first up is a very innovative venue, Convene at 237 Park Avenue - New York. Julius Solaris | 8 years ago