Patti J. Shock, CPCE

Patti J. Shock, CPCE, is the Academic Consultant for The International School of Hospitality (TISOH).  She holds the rank of Professor Emeritus after 25 years at the Harrah College of Hospitality at the University of Nevada, Las Vegas.  She also teaches online for Florida International University and Kennesaw State University. She has written a number of books and is a frequent speaker at industry events. Follow @pattishock on Twitter.

Event Management

Award Show Ideas and Tips to Steal in 2019

Everyone loves a great award show. But what makes an awards ceremony really stand out? Best practices, as well as tips from the pros are all here for you to create a memorable and glittering occasion.
Event Management

Event Planning Certification Guide (2020 edition)

Whether you are a school leaver, keen to enter the crazy and exciting world of event and meeting planning, switching from a different career path or looking for education and qualifications to increase your job prospects for promotions and advancement it can be overwhelming assessing all of the options.