Christina Green

Christina R. Green is a digital storyteller and writer for associations and businesses, including journals such as the Midwestern Society of Association Executive's magazine and industry blogs. She's a voracious reader but has been known to stop reading if there are too many exclamation points used.

Event Management

20 Things Event Planners Want to Say to Attendees but Can't

Don’t you just wish you could say whatever you wanted for a day or so? It could be so glorious to give back a little of what you get each day. Here are 20 things all event planners wish we could say to our attendees.
Event Management

10 Times Amateurs Tried to Run Events and Failed

Much like brain surgery, event planning is something best left to the professionals. Here are ten stories of times when things went horribly wrong for amateur event planners.

10 Conferences That Excel at Exclusive VIP Experiences

Do you want attendees to squeal like pre-teens at their first boy band concert? Then consider offering exclusive experiences and upgrades at your next event. Read on for examples you can apply to your events.

7 Tips To Stay Motivated In Events

Do you feel like you’ve lost your motivation? Do you dread each day? If so, it’s time you do something about your lack of motivation.

13 Reasons Why Every Kid Should Become an Event Planner

From the moment a child is born, parents fantasize about what career their offspring will eventually hold. Is event planner on your top ten wish list? Possibly not. But you just might want to reconsider that.

12 Things Only Eventprofs Understand

No one understands eventprofs like other eventprofs. The following twelve truths may seem weird to those in other industries but they’re our norm.

11 Ways to Avoid Phone Calls and Still Be Successful

Ever wish you didn’t have to put up with annoying phone call interruptions and making cold calls? It is possible. Here are some suggestions on how event planners can effectively minimize the distraction without impairing communication and sales.

10 Venues that Put Event Planners First

Are you tired of all the battles you fight on an event planning stage? The venue you select can decrease your stresses in the same way a good team can. Here’s a list of venues that assist the work you’re doing.