What You Can Win From This Year’s Skift Meetings Awards

Skift Take

As we prepare to close the submission window for 2024 Skift Meetings Awards, we take a look at the incredible prize package you could be taking home - and trust us, it’s worth the entry cost.

As we look ahead to the final few days of the submission window for this year's Skift Meetings Awards, which will once again celebrate the top suppliers in the business events industry, we’re excited to bring the awards to life with our new in person activations for 2024 winners.

Lot's has changed since the awards’ inaugural year in 2023 - including a new brand identity, new submission process and a new independent judging panel consisting of industry leaders - but one thing hasn't changed, and that's our mission to provide a platform to champion suppliers who serve as a guiding star to planners when looking for a partner they can rely on. 

With that in mind, the 2024 Awards are set to be the biggest yet. In addition to all the fantastic digital winner elements that Skift Meetings Awards winners have become accustomed to - including being featured on Skift Meetings and receiving a suite of personalized digital assets - we have a host of new and exciting in-person activations for 2024 winners.

The full Skift Meetings Awards winner package includes: 

  • All winners invited to join us on-stage at Skift Meeting Forum for Award programming and winner photo as we make our debut at the Glasshouse in New York City
  • The chance to be interviewed on-site at Skift Meetings Forum with one of our team
  • Coverage on Skift Meetings and Skift Meetings marketing channels
  • A complimentary ticket to Skift Meetings Forum ($695 value)
  • Digital brand exposure at Skift Meetings Forum
  • A personalized digital branding kit to use when promoting to customers and the press:
  • Credit towards Skift’s premium subscription products
  • Exposure to Skift’s editors and VIP judges
  • The opportunity to network and connect with like-minded individuals at Skift Meetings Forum
  • Industry "bragging rights"

This incredible prize package has an estimated cumulative value of over $5,000.

Sound like something you would like to be a part of? Well, you can’t win if you don’t enter! Submit today to lock in your submission with the peace of mind that you can continue to edit up until the final deadline on June 30, at 11:59PM ET.

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