Careers & Personal Development

Careers & Personal Development

8 Ways for Planners to Avoid Burnout 

Chronic exhaustion. Nagging anxiety. Difficulty concentrating. If these sound familiar, you could be in the early stages of burnout.
Careers & Personal Development

5 Ways to Get Approval to Attend a Conference

What you include in an event justification letter could make the difference between getting and not getting approval to attend a conference.
Careers & Personal Development

Time to Chill: Planners’ Post-Meeting Rituals

It’s not always possible to take time after a meeting to get back to equilibrium, but many planners consider it a must. Ten event organizers share their relaxation rituals.
Careers & Personal Development

8 Fitness Hacks for Event Travel

Yes, events are busy ordeals. It’s easy to throw your hands up and acquiesce over the feeling of becoming overwhelmed, but a solid plan along with a few fitness hacks may be just what is needed.