Articles tagged “virtual events”

Event Management

How to Deal With Conference Scams

As in-person meetings and events come roaring back, so do the bad actors looking to rip off your attendees, your sponsors, and your organization. Be on the lookout for these common conference scams so you can stop the scammers before they do any lasting damage.

Deep Dive Into Hybrid Events

In this episode we are joined by Gerrit Heijkoop, Executive Partner / Moderator & Host at LiveOnlineEvents, where together we deep dive into the hybrid events, from both a production perspective and an audience perspective.

Event Tech Leaders Look Past Troubles, Go All In

The perfect storm stirring in the event tech sector is pounding the virtual event tech world worst of all. Still, event tech leaders are confident of steady and sustainable long-term growth for virtual events.

Event Tech Hit by the Perfect Storm

Event tech has slumped lower than investors predicted. The delight of returning to in-person events is laden with a backlash towards virtual events. Nevertheless, event tech is here to stay and there are plenty of reasons to anticipate a recovery.