Articles tagged “recovery”

Diversity and Inclusion

How Translation Powers Inclusion

Language interpretation creates a hugely beneficial sense of inclusion. It allows everyone to easily comprehend the content, and empowers them to share their thoughts and ideas.

New Zealand's New Meeting Place

The new purpose-built venue significantly boosts the city's capacity to hold business events and stands as a strong symbol of the recovery of New Zealand's business events sector.
Industry News

What We Learned From IMEX Frankfurt 2023

IMEX Frankfurt 2023 was the first truly post-Covid IMEX show in Europe. As the industry tries to figure out what normal means, the show must go on!
Event Management

How to Navigate a Successful Site Visit

As hoteliers and venue operators struggle to conduct quality post-pandemic site visits, planners are having to expend more time and effort to ensure successful site selection.

Future Canadian Event Bookings Stall at 55 Percent 

Meeting and event bookings in Canada are 55 percent of pre-pandemic, and the critical five-year booking window for larger gatherings is 47 percent causing major concern for cities and event venues nationwide.
Diversity and Inclusion

No Degree? No Problem, Says Events Industry

The labor shortage continues to be an issue, and many event companies are successfully combating it by eliminating the need for a college degree.
Industry News

Swiss Post Acquires Event Platform SpotMe

The latest event technology acquisition involves a most unusual investor, the national postal service of Switzerland. It has taken a majority stake in SpotMe, which will continue to operate independently with no changes to its product offering.

What E3’s Cancellation Means for the Meetings Industry

65,000 attendees, 4,000 jobs, and $88 million in revenue won't be coming to Los Angeles in June, with leading video-game-industry trade show E3 canceled for 2023. It was meant to be the first in-person show since 2019. However, major exhibitors were unwilling to commit. Will other events follow suit?