Articles tagged “equity”

Industry News

Rutgers University Cancels DEI Conference 

When President Donald Trump returned to the White House, one of his first actions was to eliminate DEI efforts at the federal level. The executive order has impacted a Rutgers University DEI conference that has been canceled.
Diversity and Inclusion

Are Your Events a Beacon of Inclusivity? 

The Supreme Court's bombshell decision on affirmative action this summer was a blow to diversity and inclusion efforts. As DEI efforts have lost momentum on the corporate level, meetings can help it stay on course.

Florida Feels the Pinch as Conventions Pull Out

Florida is going to lose out on major conventions because of its controversial new laws. Many associations are no longer considering meeting in the Sunshine State.

New Florida Laws Are Bad for Meetings Business

The NAACP is the latest group to issue a formal Florida travel advisory in response to a Governor Ron DeSantis bill. The LGBTQ+ and the Latino communities have done the same, and now meetings and events are canceling.
Diversity and Inclusion

Giving a Voice to the Meeting Industry's LGBT Community

Until six years ago, no association represented the LGBT community of meeting professionals. That all changed when David Jefferys founded LGBT Meeting Professionals Association.
Diversity and Inclusion

Advocating for Change

Ren Akinci is executive vice president, people and culture officer at Emerald. Her passion lies with making diversity, inclusion, and equity an intentional focus for companies.
Diversity and Inclusion

No Degree? No Problem, Says Events Industry

The labor shortage continues to be an issue, and many event companies are successfully combating it by eliminating the need for a college degree.