Articles tagged “CES”


The Latest Technology Showcased at CES 2024

Dive into CES 2024's techno-spectacle, from AI marvels to transparent screens, and discover how the latest gadgets could redefine the future of events and beyond.
Event Management

The Legality and Ethics of Outboarding 

Attendee outboarding during events and conferences has been all but condemned by industry associations that paint it as an unethical act, but is it just an attempt to protect an investment in an event against an otherwise legal activity?

What E3’s Cancellation Means for the Meetings Industry

65,000 attendees, 4,000 jobs, and $88 million in revenue won't be coming to Los Angeles in June, with leading video-game-industry trade show E3 canceled for 2023. It was meant to be the first in-person show since 2019. However, major exhibitors were unwilling to commit. Will other events follow suit?
Industry News

Will a Las Vegas Convention Center Strike Impact CES?

As CES, the world’s largest tech show, prepares to swing open its doors to more than 100,000 people, a threat of a possible strike by food service workers at the Las Vegas Convention Center as well as Covid are concerns. 
Industry News

CES Gets Meetings Industry Going for 2023

With attendee and exhibitor numbers getting closer to pre-Covid figures, the entire meetings industry is hopeful for a strong CES that sets the tone for the rest of 2023.