Event Technology Made Simple - 2023 Edition
Event Technology Made Simple - 2023 Edition
Event Technology Made Simple is a new report designed to provide business event professionals with a clear and concise summary of what event technology platforms have to offer today.
The event technology sector has evolved to match planner needs for in-person, hybrid, and virtual events. In light of this, we strategically merged two of our most popular reports, the Virtual Event Tech Guide and the Mobile Event App Guide, into one complete report.
This report showcases almost 70 different companies and products, each with unique characteristics. It compares and contrasts 61 of the leading event technology platforms that provide event management features. It combines months of work from our team behind the scenes, collecting, analyzing, and curating data from leading event technology platforms and presenting it in a format that is easy to digest and quick to reference.
We’ve focused on finding the best way to categorize event technology tools and compare the features that make a difference, so you can easily identify which technologies may best suit your needs.
We look at:
- The event technology landscape
- The different types of event technology
- Deal-breaker features
- Expert insights
- Company listings with exclusive company data
- Feature comparison tables
Thank you to our sponsors: Cvent and Onyx CenterSource
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This report qualifies for 1 credit under the Strategic Planning category.