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Event Tech Almanac 2024

Event Tech Almanac 2024

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The Skift Meetings Event Tech Almanac 2024 offers the latest insights and trends, helping you stay ahead of the curve and make informed decisions on event technology.

In the last few years, planners have gone from depending on technology to demanding more. The result? Event tech has evolved into customizable tools, much like food and beverage options, offering many choices catering to diverse needs.

Planners today are savvy shoppers, negotiating the best deals and asserting their power to make event technology providers vie for their business. They know what they want from websites, apps, dashboards, and more. But with no two events alike, the quest for the perfect tech solution is more critical than ever.

What's Inside the Event Tech Almanac 2024:

  • Detailed profiles of 85 leading event tech platforms
  • Side-by-side comparison of 60 features across four key categories (marketing and sales; experience; data, privacy, and security; and support)
  • Data-driven overview of the event tech market today
  • Analysis of deal-breakers that planners should know

Beyond comparing event tech platforms, the Event Tech Almanac 2024 offers a comprehensive insight into the event tech landscape. It explores how top event tech companies are adapting to the demand for more customized solutions and gives readers a glimpse into the future of event tech and its potential impacts on the industry.

The Skift Meetings Event Tech Almanac 2024 is the ultimate guide to today’s event technology.

Download it now!

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This report qualifies for 1 credit under the Strategic Planning category.