Inspiring Change: 5 Strategies for Purpose-Centered Events

Inspiring Change: 5 Strategies for Purpose-Centered Events

This content was created collaboratively by Business Events Sydney, International Convention Centre Sydney, and Skift’s branded content studio, SkiftX.
Most companies have historically operated on a simple premise: They need to turn a profit. In today’s fragmented world, however, focusing solely on financial performance is no longer a winning strategy, with employees believing it’s important for their companies to have a purpose.
This change carrys significant implications for business events. Today’s attendees want to know how their presence will contribute to the bigger picture and this charge is being led by the youngest attendees, Gen Z.
For event organizers, securing the loyalty of this new generation of participants relies on distinguishing a meeting as something more — a program built to create meaningful change that will live on long after the closing session wraps up. That starts with where the program happens. By choosing a host destination that aligns with an organization’s mission, attendees can feel confident that they’ll be part of fueling positive change.
In this report, brought to you by Skift Meetings, Business Events Sydney (BESydney), and International Convention Centre Sydney (ICC Sydney) we examine what the increasing shift to a purpose-driven mindset means for designing and executing conventions, meetings, trade shows, and events. You'll find insights on:
- What it means to use the power of purpose as a North Star for your meeting design
- Why today’s era of authenticity requires a commitment to help attendees feel like they’re working toward a brighter future
- What to consider when redesigning the RFP process to include caring for people and the planet
- How to integrate the local Indigenous community into the fabric of the attendee experience
- Why the entire events industry must start a new conversation about what it means to be “accessible”
- How to develop a long-term game plan to monitor the future impacts of your meeting
- Why hands-on volunteering opportunities are an integral part of your program
This content was created collaboratively by Business Events Sydney, International Convention Centre Sydney, and Skift’s branded content studio, SkiftX.
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This report qualifies for 1 credit under the Strategic Planning category.