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10 Alternative Business Models for Events

A lot of discussion took place over the past week about free vs paid, reality is that there is much more out there than just charging a fee to attend.
Event Management

Event Management Toolkit v.2

One of the most successful projects started from this blog was an Events Toolkit. Here is the new version.

The Art Of Listening And Science Of Responding

In this guest post Jeff Hurt, our favorite event planning and change thinker on twitter, discusses Using Social Media To Listen To Your Event Customers

10 New Event Concepts That Will Throw You Out (or on Top) of the Market

By now you should know we don't like traditional form of events. By traditional we mean: High Control - High Environmental Impact - Low Technology - Low Innovation. News is we are not the only one in love with new, innovative concepts. We set the trend, now the market is loving whatever we have been pushing in the past.