Learn how to work more effectively in partnership with your venue. Negotiate better deals, communicate better and secure the best and most innovative hotels and venues to host your events.
Fed up with boring, beige and bland? Try these venues from the Sharing Economy
We are witnessing on a daily basis how rapidly and comprehensively Airbnb and Uber are changing the meetings industry. For instance, at the World Mobile Congress in Barcelona this year, organisers estimate that as many as 30% of the 100,000 attendees stayed at Airbnb or similar non-hotel solutions.
Jamaica in a Different Fashion - 8 Experiences to Spice Up Your Events
While Jamaica is a popular sun destination, it offers much more for event planners than beautiful beaches. To create awe-inspiring events, historical sites, mountain adventures, culinary experiences, fashion, film, and sports await.
Best Airport Venues for Meetings & Events
GoToMeeting, Skype, Google Hangouts, Whatsapp keep us hyper-connected. However, they haven’t managed to eliminate our primordial need for Face-2-Face encounters. The more we connect, it seems, the more we want to be connected and the ultimate fulfillment of that desire is the reassuring comfort of a handshake or a hug given in a real place with real people in real time.
Dubai Events: 11 Tips and Take-aways
Dubai, a destination of contrasts, has earned a reputation for opulent hotels and spectacular events that garner a buzz around the globe. Here are 5 take-aways from Dubai events and 7 tips for planning events in Dubai. Event planners can use them to enhance their own meetings, conferences, and corporate events.
The Dry Hire Venue Guide
Although there are certainly many venues out there that can provide everything that an eventprof could need to cater for and invigorate guests there are also times when a higher level of flexibility and control is required. For such occasions, event planners can look to ‘dry hire’ a venue, which if planned carefully will offer the freedom they need to create a very special event.
10 Things Venues Hate About Event Planners
Here are 10 things that we often do as #eventprofs that drive our venue partners super-crazy.
7 Trends Affecting Venue Selection
The Venue of the Future [New Report]
We are very glad to announce the release of our latest report, The Venue of the Future. Grab your free copy now.
3 Essentials Successful Eventprofs Look for in Venues
When it comes to events, meetings and conferences, delegates are looking for a lot more than what happens on the tradeshow floor or during a keynote. The standard convention layout is changing – events today rely on a venue that offers flexibility with the opportunity to build experiences that extend beyond the event itself.