

Are You Ready for Post-Lockdown Events? Here Is What They Look Like

Business events are making a timid comeback with a whole new set of rules and recommendations from international and local health organizations. The first events will look very different. These telling images shed light on the first in-person events.

6 Scenarios Necessary to Safely Return to Live Events

As we slowly start to see a light at the end of this dark pandemic tunnel, and with the business world in turmoil, it’s clear that events will not be the same for the foreseeable future. In fact, they may never be the same.

6 Ways to Prepare for Queueing at Post-Lockdown Live Events

As physical events slowly resume, there will be a lot of trial and error involved in their organization. Social distancing is the one proven method of risk mitigation, so points of congregation are a concern. Here's how to prepare for unavoidable queueing at events.

Would You Sign a Liability Waiver to Attend an Event?

Trump’s Tulsa rally waivers expose another pitfall in the return to live events: liability. Who is liable for inevitable new cases? Will attendees accept the risk when it’s scribbled into a legal waiver? Recent research from DYNATA says no. Here’s our take.

What Events Are Going Ahead Despite the Pandemic?

A growing number of countries are reauthorizing large professional events including trade shows, conferences, exhibitions, and congresses. Here is a list of events moving forward in the third and fourth quarter of 2020, and early 2021.

How to Screen Event Attendees for Covid-19 On-Site

As in-person events resume, many options for screening attendees for possible infection are emerging. Each has its pros and cons, and sorting out which is right for your event presents its own challenges. Here, we offer a breakdown of the different methods in terms of cost, accuracy, and scalability.