

How to Approach Food & Beverage at Events During Covid

Food and beverage, like many other features of events, will need to be adapted moving forward to ensure compliance with current health and safety guidelines. What will this look like as live events start to resume?

Are New Event Cleaning Protocols Just Hygiene Theater?

With the increasing realization that Covid-19 can spread through the air, emphasis has gradually shifted away from surface transmission. Some are even dismissing sanitation measures at events as mere ‘hygiene theater.’ What does the evidence tell us?

UK Goes Back and Forth on Business Events — What's to Come?

The UK, with huge event institutions like Reed and Informa, doesn’t seem to be able to make up its mind about whether or not live events can happen. With the virus' second wave now upon us and renewed restrictions being implemented, having a plan would be helpful. 

Event Bubbles and Onsite Testing: Are They Viable?

The NBA and the NHL have been able to resume their seasons by instituting strict bubbles for participants. Is this a viable model for business events, and how much protection would on-site tests provide?

The Impact on Small Businesses From All of the Cancelled Trade Shows

In 2019, events were widely considered one of the most effective B2B marketing strategies. With so many small- to medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) already struggling to maintain profits, how are they coping without the benefit of traditional trade shows?

What Will Events Look Like After the Vaccine?

Many countries are announcing their vaccine rollout plans. How can the industry be prepared for the gradual rollout of a vaccine, and what will the ‘vaccine effect’ be on events? Here, we investigate these questions.

Uncertain European Travel Spells Trouble for Popular, Hosted-Buyer Trade Shows

With cases on the rise around the world, the ramifications of a second wave are threatening European hosted buyer events. The future of physical gatherings in the near future is uncertain, and with their reliance on in-person interactions, these trade shows are struggling to recover.

The 10 Biggest Covid Myths Event Planners Need to Ignore

Since the onset of Covid-19, myths about its origins and its very nature have abounded. In this article, we discuss 10 of the most stubborn misconceptions and why it’s important for event planners to see past the rhetoric.