Refugio Garcia

Trends and Insights

RFPs Are Almost Back to Pre-Covid Levels

The latest Events Industry Council Global Events Barometer shows promising signs, with hotel room nights and RFPs increasing for the second consecutive quarter.
Diversity and Inclusion

Proposed Laws Threaten DEI Initiatives

Proposed legislation in 30 U.S. states threatens DEI initiatives at colleges and state agencies with companies also at risk of similar laws. Can outreach and promotion curb the possible impacts?

Top 30 Convention Centers Ranked: Vegas Takes Top Spot

A ranking of the top 30 convention centers across the U.S. was recently released by the Wall Street Journal placing three Las Vegas facilities in the top 10 with high scores based on overall space, amenities and convenience. But how did they measure up on a practical level for groups and meetings?
Diversity and Inclusion

California Swaps Travel Ban for Outreach Funding

California's travel ban is no more. State-sponsored events can once again take place in any of the 26 states previously banned. Instead, California will fund outreach to LGBTQ communities in those states.
Industry News

MGM Resorts Hit With Suspected Cyberattack

MGM Resorts International was the apparent target of a far-reaching cyberattack on Monday that continues to disrupt hotel bookings, down gambling machines, and hobble guest services.

Scott Beck Takes Top Job at San Francisco Travel

The recovery of San Francisco’s tourism and hospitality industry continues to be underscored by a narrative of lawlessness and economic demise. The San Francisco Travel Association now looks to Scott Beck to reverse that negative perception.