Jan-Jaap In der Maur

Jan-Jaap In der Maur provides meetings with professional moderators-facilitators and coaches the non-professionals, to help make meetings more effective, fun and worthwhile.


Forget Speakers: 7 Alternatives for an Innovative Event

Meetings are changing, yet speakers are still the main ingredient of every conference. In this modern age of meeting design why don’t we use things like video, art and testimonials more often? Here are 7 potentially brilliant alternatives to speakers, worth considering for your next event.

The 15 Foundations of Interactive Meetings

Interaction has many faces: interview, panel, debate, brainstorm, workshop, Q&A. They all have different characteristics and give a different added value to meeting design. Here are 15 ways to make your event really interactive.

Your Q&A Sucks. 8 Ways to Make It Better

A Question & Answer session is a well known ingredient in meeting design. It can be a powerful tool, but one that is often underrated. It is however also a format that is scarcely used to its full potential. Here are 8 ways to raise the standard of your Q&A’s.