Christina Green

Christina R. Green is a digital storyteller and writer for associations and businesses, including journals such as the Midwestern Society of Association Executive's magazine and industry blogs. She's a voracious reader but has been known to stop reading if there are too many exclamation points used.

Event Management

10 Tactics To Beat Your Competitors In Business

Competition is stiff for attendees and for clients. It’s hard to “get heard” in today’s world. Instead of simply beating your competitors in business, let’s focus on understanding their strengths and outdoing them with your unique value.
Event Management

Planning For Next Year? Get These Things Right First

It’s not too early to start on next year’s success. Pre-planning in these last few weeks of the year can help ensure you’re ready to hit the new year running. Here’s how to have your most successful year ever.
Event Management

Creating a Strong Brand Activation Campaign: An Eventprof How To

Have you heard the term “brand activation”? Are you ready to use it to attract a crowd? You should be. While it’s not hard, there are critical things you must know in order to create a strong brand activation campaign.

How Event Professionals Should Deal with Disrespect

Ahhh, the drama. If your workplace is seeming more like a soap opera and less like a place of business, there are a few things you can do to end the disrespect you may be feeling as an event planner.
Event Management

Grow Up!: How To Transition Meetings To User Conferences

If you’re a corporate event planner, you may already be planning customer meetings. But how do you know when it’s time to transition from meeting with customers on occasion to a full-blown user’s conference? This article will walk you through the steps and the questions to ask.

18 Ways To Make PR Work For Your Event

Most event planners know that PR pros write press releases but you might be surprised to learn they do a lot more that can help you get more people to your next event. Here are 18 ways they can help.

Beef Up Your Event Marketing and Convert More Attendees

Marketing isn’t just something that happens organically. There’s a lot of work involved and many moving pieces. It all starts with a strong marketing plan. But how do you create one and what is it comprised of? This is what you need to know to get started.
Event Management

How Not To Panic When Your Event Website Is Not Ready

Whether your redesign is taking too long or you’re just starting out and have yet to finish your website, if your site isn’t ‘open for business’ there are several website substitutions you can use to keep your current online audience connected to you and your organization.