12 Ways to Use AV and Technology to Drive Event Sponsorship

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Sponsors are increasingly looking for innovative and exciting opportunities to capture attention and engage with the event audience. At the same time, savvy event planners want to give great visibility and can see the potential of investing a little into their audio visual setup and tech to see bigger returns and satisfaction from their stakeholders. These ideas and solutions can be a win-win situation for everyone.
Multiple Screens
Of course you can add your sponsor’s logos to your slide deck so that they show on the big screen, but how about using multiple screens to share your sponsor's message consistently across the event? Consider adding several screens with different content at the front of the main room, additional relay screens down the side of the room, digital wayfinding and signage around the venue, and even information touch screens in networking and refreshment areas. You can work with your sponsors to add images or video to get their message across and achieve more than just logo placement.
Interactive Games
Offering interactive games with the opportunity to win valuable, sponsored prizes is a great way to get people's attention. Why not create an iPad Jeopardy Wall and host your own game show at your event? With iPads mounted on a magnetic mounting system and a custom buzzer solution to accurately track responses, you can create a professional studio setup to impress your guests and sponsors. You can even drop in some sponsor related questions to raise awareness.
Event Branded Photos
A popular sponsorship opportunity could be to create your own photo-booth or branded event picture station. Use software to ensure that every image has your event sponsor logo(s) and event hashtag included for optimal visibility when shared across social media. Alternatively, capture the attendee’s details and permission to share the picture with them directly. For maximum success, ensure the photo backdrop is something people will want to share with others, or create multiple backdrop options using a green screen.
Gamification or Quizzes
Why not organize a digital scavenger hunt where participants can compete individually or within teams to explore the venue or local area? The treasure hunt could include visits to key exhibitor booths and fact finding about your sponsors. Or if there is less opportunity for movement and discovery, you could create a table quiz where small teams answer questions and complete tasks relevant to the event.
Audience Response Systems
Live polling and Q&A sessions add interest and are another sponsorship branding opportunity where results are displayed on the big screen. The polls could even tackle trending issues to increase shareability, create talking points on social media or even provide quotes in your post-event press release. Make the most of the data and capture screenshots of the results to display on a branded slide deck.
Event Registration and Surveys
Self-service check-in kiosks and touch screen surveys can not only speed up the entry and exit process of your event, but can also be programmed to include sponsor welcome notes, branding and messaging. If you want the sponsors to be in front of people at the start and end of your event, this could be a good idea to consider.
Event App
There is an event app out there to suit every requirement and budget. On a basic level, event mobile apps provide branding opportunities and sponsor information so that important details are there at an attendee’s fingertips. Advanced solutions exist to help with every event objective, such as improved networking, matchmaking, audience engagement, appointment booking, gamification, audience response and access to virtual event swag.
Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality
Tablet kiosks look enticing and can be used to display marketing or product related sponsor content for your attendees to sign up and receive further information. Your event sponsors could even explore opportunities to stand out by using augmented or virtual reality. Some event apps are already starting to provide this functionality. Alternatively, iPad rentals or other hardware such as VR Goggles can be used with virtual content to really inspire the imagination and intrigue of event attendees.
Smartphone Charging Lockers
Charging points are always in demand at events and offer a great branding and messaging opportunity for sponsors. Instead of having to leave the event to hunt for a plug socket, attendees can deposit their device within a lockable, branded charging station. Sponsor literature and staff can be on hand close by in case any attendees need further information, and it is positive brand association for the sponsor.
Social Media Walls and Leaderboards
Bring out the competitiveness in your attendees by encouraging them to get seen on the big screen. Whether it’s the opportunity to have their social posts shown or to appear on a leaderboard with their achievements and progress, attendees will be inspired to interact and network. Either way, it’s always a great idea to combine sponsor branding and messaging within the display solution to capture the eyes of the audience.
Live Streaming
Don’t forget about those who can’t make it to attend your event in person this time. Your sponsors can still market to these people and spread the reach of the event even wider. By securing a sponsor, you could offer professional live streaming of the main presentations from your event, as well as exclusive interviews, extra content and behind the scenes footage. This could also create options to make content available on demand for post-event learning.
Event WiFi
Reliable event WiFi is a great sponsorship opportunity and something that attendees will always appreciate. In return, you can set up a branded splash screen or log in page to highlight the sponsor and their website. You can even give the option for attendees to sign up to receive further information and opt in for future communications.
In Conclusion
Sponsors are always looking for ways to increase their exposure at events. Some of these ideas can directly generate revenue by providing valuable sponsorship opportunities. Others give visibility and potential for sponsor messaging and branding as part of a wider package. With a bit of creative thinking, event planners can use AV and technology to keep event stakeholders happy and ensure event sponsors get the exposure they crave.