Calling All Registration Providers

The new 2016 version of the Good Event Registration Guide will be launched in a few weeks time. This will include details of the hottest event registration tools eventprofs should investigate.
If you are a provider, make sure to submit your details immediately to join the 85 other providers that have already completed the survey. The survey has been open for 2 weeks already so this is the last call for providers to be included. The absolute deadline is midnight on Wednesday 28th September.
New for 2016
The Good Event Registration Guide 2016 will share comparison tables of key features within the report. For the first time, we will also list providers within our online search tool to allow event organizers to filter and find the products that meet their precise requirements.
It is free to be listed for those providers that meet our criteria, notably those providers that have online event registration and ticketing as their core product. If you are not featured you could be overlooked by the thousands of event professionals that refer to the report for guidance each year - we would hate you to miss out!
Last call!
If you know someone or are a supplier in this space, please submit your details here before the deadline on Wednesday.
Our survey for event planners is also now open, fill out the eventprofs survey here for the opportunity to win a $250 Amazon voucher.