7 Trends Affecting Venue Selection

Last week we launched The Venue of The Future, a free report about how event professionals select venues. Here are 7 trends affecting venue selection.
When carrying out the research for The Venue of the Future we looked at the answers of over 1,000 event professionals from around the world.
For the first time, we also asked event planners to give us open ended answers to their biggest frustrations and their vision of the future. The results immediately caught our attention. As Meetingsnet summed up incredibly well, eventprofs are fed up with practices of the past.
This is not something Julius Solaris or EventMB said. This is the clear voice of hundreds of event professionals. The Venue of the Future report has had the largest number of downloads in a week of all the reports we've ever published.
Once again, we are very happy to have given a voice to event professionals and to have funneled the thinking of many. In a content marketing era, the need for clear and unbiased direction is stronger than ever.
In the report, we discuss trends and some of the most important takeaways from the research. We've summed them up in a presentation and infographic, which you are free to embed on your site.
To access all the stats get a copy of the Venue of the Future here. It is completely free to download and with no email submission required.