The Best Posts of the Year on @EventMB

Skift Take
For the past 9 years we've been delighting you with some of the most innovative, inspirational and educational content on the web. 2015 was no different. We are glad to leave gossip and cheap content to others, while we can focus on bringing you the most actionable advice you will find online in regards to event technology, social media and innovation in the industry.
See, we are event professionals as you are. We have no time to lose and our commitment to deliver the best content out there is paramount.
In 2015, we had more writers, articles, readers and research than ever before. The continuous positive feedback we get from you makes us proud and happy.
We have now collected the largest research ever done on event technology. We believe in giving you clear and unbiased advice when it comes to tech. With over 120,000 downloads of our ebooks, a massive thank you from all the team.
So let's have a look at the biggest stories for each month of 2015. Some you may know, some you may not know. We are sure you will get a good dose of inspiration from all of them.
Stick with us in 2016, we have a few amazing surprises lined up for you.
1. 10 (Harsh) Truths Nobody Tells You About Being an Event Planner
If you work in events, you know it's not all about glitter and meeting celebrities. A post to be proud of what we wake up for every day!
2. 10 Ways to Be Better Event Manager
This great post tells you how to be better as an event professional. Such a broad concept summarised in super targeted advice.
3. 10 Events That Did Not Go As Planned
I've yet to see an event with no contingencies. They took it a bit too far though!
4. No Rest for #Eventprofs: 8 Essential Things to Do After Your Event
The party is over, we're done. Not so fast! There are 8 things you need to think about.
5. 10 Event Trends for 2016
We published this post a month ago. It quickly became one of the most popular of the year. Don't miss out.
6. 5 Signs Event Planning is Not Your Cup of Tea
Are you sure this is the job for you? This post will tell you how to tell a great eventprof from an average one.
7. The Survival Guide for Long Live Event Days
My feet hurt just reading this title. You need this advice as much as you need a break! Essential reading.
8. The Best Way to Wrap Your Head Around Event Technology
Is EventTech for you? If the answer is no, this post will give you great advice to master event technology.
9. How to Handle 6 Common Pressures of Being #Eventprofs.
Difficult Clients? Short Budget? You may need to consider some of these tips to turn problems into opportunities.
10. Are Event Planners Born or Made?
I think they're made. Oh no wait, you can become a great one. What's your take?
In Conclusion
We can safely say this was one of the most incredible years for the event industry and for us. We hope you can share our excitement and stick with us in 2016. We loved bringing you perspective on all things events and we are going to surprise you even more in 2016!