New Year Resolutions for Event Planners

Skift Take

As the year draws to a close many of us take the time to reflect on the last 12 months and pledge some changes we would like to make for the new year ahead.

Apparently a staggering 50% of the population make New Year Resolutions. They can be a powerful motivator if you set realistic and attainable goals. 55% will keep them for more than a month and 40% of us will keep them for at least 6 months of the year.

Here are some of the most common New Year Resolutions from event professionals looking to reinvent or improve themselves on a professional and personal level, and some inspiration and motivation for how to achieve them!

Be a First Class #Eventprof

As an event professional it is probably in your nature to strive for perfection and to be the best you possibly can. Whether you are just embarking on your career or you are an event planning veteran, practice makes perfect and gaining experience running a wide variety of events is definitely the best way to ensure continuous learning and improvement. No two events are the same and I try to think of at least one thing I can improve on at the end of every event, however big or small.

Attend events organised by others and soak up their vision and methods. Don’t forget to read widely too - both printed and online media can offer a wealth of ideas and stimulation. A lot of valuable information is available freely through blogs such as this, on youtube and through free reports and guides. Never has so much valuable content been available to you!

Further tips: Here are 10 Ways To Be A Better Event Manager.

Achieve a Better Work Life Balance

This is the ever present dinosaur in the room that all event managers struggle with. The live event is the ultimate immoveable date so to ensure everything runs smoothly we have to work whatever hours it takes to make the event a success in the months, weeks and days leading up to it. As a result our physical and mental well being can suffer and we can put a lot of strain onto our long suffering family too.

To help to achieve a better balance and perspective read 5 Rules to Help #EventProfs Achieve a Healthy Work Life Balance.

Run Better Events

There are lots of things we can do to improve the events we run and you may have your own personal or organisational goals for how to improve and strive for excellence. Here are some of the ways you can elevate your events in 2016.

More Engaging Events

Run of the mill events are not enough. We need to run events which engage with our audience and achieve objectives. 90% of event professionals see engagement as a priority. For inspiration, tactics and best practice download the EventMB free report Engaging Events.

Embrace New Technology

Make 2016 the year to try out new and exciting #eventtech! There has never been a better time to find technology to help you achieve your event objectives and 94% of event planners are planning to use technology to improve engagement. Just ensure you avoid these 6 Mistakes Event Planners Make with Eventtech.

Original Event Ideas

Looking for that killer new event idea or concept? Worried that you are stuck in a rut and not innovating enough? Here are some tips for how to Inspire Fresh Thinking for Your Events.

Use an Event App

If you are one of the 53% of event managers looking to get an event mobile app in the near future ensure you read the Event App Bible v.3 for the most comprehensive research and overview of the market and guarantee you have the best chance of success.

Improve Online and Onsite Registration

You want visitors to your registration site to book their place rather than navigating away without registering. Likewise you have one chance to make a good impression when guests arrive for your event and queues and inefficiency simply do not cut it. If you want to make improvements the first reference point should be the Good Event Registration Guide.

High End Events

Looking to change your event niche and focus? Learn how to run high quality events with a ticket price to match with tips in this post.

Learn To Say No

Have you ever agreed to something against your gut instinct and consequently regretted it? Event planners are often very accommodating by nature and, if you are anything like me, can struggle to say no. Sometimes I have taken on work because I have not wanted to let a client or contact down despite the timescales being ridiculously tight, the fee being laughable, it not been a good fit to your core skills/priorities or already having too much on my plate. Looking back you then wonder if the extra stress and strain was worth it, particularly if the payment was insufficient to compensate from the sacrifices made.

Don’t be a busy fool! Essential Reading: The Power of No: The Busy #Eventprofs Access to Profitability.

Get the Job You Want

Do you want 2016 to be the year you get that promotion or new job you have been dreaming of and rise through the ranks? This is a competitive industry but if you want something enough, don’t give up and you can achieve it. There are some top tips in this post about how to get to the next level, including being selfish!

Sell Out Your Events

Determined to ensure your events not only break even but sell out this year? Essential tips can be found in this post 5 Easy Steps to Sell More Event Tickets and don’t ignore effective sales calls techniques either.

Be Less Stressed

Stress seems to go hand in hand with the role of event planner. Don’t let it get the better of you. Here are some common pressures on #eventprofs and how to handle them and some interesting ways to Gamify Your Stress Levels.

Start Your Own Company

Starting your own business requires a lot of thought and planning but could be the best, as well as the scariest, decision you will ever make. For many the new year is a great time to make the leap or to crystallise the ideas flying round in your head. Work on your business plan, do as much market research and raise as much interest as you can before going it alone. Many people start out running an event planning business from home - could you be one of them?

Be a Better Leader

Whether you work for someone else or have your own business it is important to be the best leader you can to motivate your team. Not sure where to start? Read this post: Why You Are Not the Event Boss and How to Get There.

In Conclusion

The best way to stick to your new year resolutions is to pledge actionable and attainable goals; for example by 10 February I am going to have finished my business plan or this year I will finish work by 6pm at least 3 nights a week.

Are you making any New Year's Resolutions this year? What are your goals relating to your career in the event industry? We would love to hear your comments below!

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