The Best Posts of August 2014 on @EventMB

Time for our monthly roundup of the hottest articles on your favourite event blog.
Whoever said that August was quite a low intensity month was dead wrong. Here at EventMB we got our good dose of controversy, innovation, inspiration and education,
If you were busy planning your next event, here is what you missed last month.
The Best Posts in August 2014
1. 10 Signs You Are Hiring an Awesome Conference Speaker
A quite controversial post that divided you readers. The modern requirements of events scream for better connected, tech savvy speakers. Here is what you should be looking for.
2. 20 Attendee Retention Tactics to Keep Them Coming Back
Higher attendee retention can mean up to 95% in increased profits. Have I convinced you to read this article?
3. 10 Terrific Event Startups To Explore For Your Next Event
We love startups and innovation, here are the top ones for the month.
4. Using Google Docs to Save Time and Money When Planning Events
If you find yourself using Gdocs for planning your event, you need to read this.
5. Better the Devil You Know? When to Change Your Event Technology
A great article by Cathy Key that will help you to feel confident about changing your #eventtech.
Download Our Free eBooks
Download The Event App Bible v2and The Good Event Registration Guide, our latest ebooks. Free to download, no email required.
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We love successful event websites. Check out our event WordPress themes to give your event the website it deserves.
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