Is Foursquare Introducing Event Check-ins?

Dennis Crowley, co-founder of Foursquare, last wek talked about the future of the company and it sounds like events are going to be a part of it.
When I met Dennis Crowley at Picnic'10, I must admit I did not know what to ask. If I'd meet him today, I would definitely know what to ask. And it has lots to do with events.
What's the News?
During Where2.0 conference, Robert Scoble interviewed Crowley on the future of Foursquare. The juicy bit is at minute 10.30 of the video that follows.
Facebook recently introduced check-ins for events and the news echoed in the ears of lots commentators. Foursquare took note.
Crowley mentioned he likes services such as Ditto or Plancast and it looks like, although they were not the focus in the past, they may well be in Fousquare's future.
Is it a Good Thing for Foursquare?
Users are already using Foursquare to check into events. Technically you check into the venue hosting a particular event. Therefore yes, it is a natural and a long awaited step. It would just make the experience better.
Is it a Good Thing for Event Professionals
Oh yes!
Bringing the rewards and badging system to events could drive amazing opportunities to increase attendance and drive registrations.
Not to mention the serendipity mentioned in the video, that for us mean more relevant people finding out about our events.
A Final Question
In conclusion, if I could go back in time and speak to Dennis again, I would ask:"When is it gonna happen?"