Are You Listening?

Few months ago we were talking about Meetups, user generated events and about getting back networking.

As part of the late venture with amiando, we sparked a series of user generated events across the world, to display the power of our online community.

Obviously clever people were listening, they implemented what we pioneered and are now getting great successes.

Photo by b_heyer via Flickr

We feel good about it, because we creatively shared that.

Good News

Good news is that we are sharing right now as we speak and we are way forward compared to what's going on right now. It's a fact.

Leave us alone

We strongly suggest you unsubscribe from this blog if you are perpetrating practices of a distant past.

On the other hand, if you like challenges we have few suggestions for you:

- We think that Pecha Kucha is the way to go.

- We think that technology should be part of the present event industry as it increases streams of revenue while decreasing intangibility of the event in itself.

Start now

If you read this blog you are well aware of new trends and whatever is going on with Event Planning 2.0, but make sure:

- You read most of it, search categories and get out of your comfort zone.

- Interact, commenting on each post.

- Engage in our communities, specially on Linkedin where we are more than 6500 (yeah you remember when we were 400).

- Get in touch directly with Julius, if you want targeted guidance with your project.

Up Next

Industry News

Government Meeting Cancellations Surge Amid Federal Layoffs

Federal layoffs are sending shockwaves through the government meetings sector, leading to widespread event cancellations and millions in lost hotel revenue. The ripple effects extend beyond hotels to meeting planners, sourcing companies, and event tech firms who rely on steady government business.