Be more Pecha Kucha!

Skift Take
Pecha Kucha Montreal 2007 Photo by JamesEverett via Flickr
Pecha Kucha means chit-chat. Back in 2003 two architects started what is now a very popular movement, with nights all over the globe.
The format answers to a compelling question, how to give space to young designers without throwing the audience in 2 hours long, endless presentations.
Mark and Astrid created the 20 presenters/20 slides/20 seconds format.
20 designer are given the chance to present a total of 20 slides, 20 seconds each, for a total of 6 minutes and 40 seconds.
As simple as that.
An immediate result is that attention levels are kept very high and everyone involved gets value out of the experience.
Pecha Kucha are now held in more than 157 cities all over the World. They spread with no advertising. Only word of mouth.
Lecturers in universities are now asking their design students to present their assignments in this format.
Autodesk is using Pecha Kucha for its annual sales meetings.
Some videos:
More posts on the subject:
- Wired
- Pecha Kucha Daily
- Tips for presenters
I am throwing this to you so it can rock the way you approach events. I am sincerely getting bored of regular things, for regular people.
If you changed the rules in your event, let us know. This blog is here to listen to your story.