
17 Over The Top Flower Displays

Skift Take

Mix up your florals and create over the top displays to demand attention at your next event.

Event florals can add a powerful touch to your event. When selecting flowers, you should consider several different elements including:

  • Scent – Scented flowers can create a beautiful atmosphere and enhance the experience. If you have a large venue and worry that the fragrance might dissipate, have scented flowers near the entrance or at the registration desks so that attendees are caught by the scent as they walk in.
  • Color – Are you trying to pick flowers that suit themes, color schemes or brand colors? The color can make a display pop but it can also look mismatched if the florals don’t fit, so treat color selection as you would any other décor piece.
  • Size – Where are your florals going to go? Are they part of a table centerpiece or a more intricate display? Are they showcasing part of the venue or using dead space? Answering these questions will dictate the size of the display.
  • Season – Flowers can be costly but you can reduce this and keep in budget by choosing seasonal florals, seriously reducing the price.

Noting these considerations, these examples demonstrate how you can make florals the star of the show again with these over the top flower displays and décor pieces.

  1. Peacock Presence

This intricate display is a work of art at the Bellagio, Las Vegas, as part of changing events and seasonal rotations at the botanical gardens. This massive piece entitled “Proud as a Peacock” has enticed thousands to capture this display, making it a marketing tool and showing what can really be done with florals.

Credit: Joey Reyes

  1. Pop-Up Frame

For this Gallery event in London, Mayfair, an archway of flowers popped up outside the Maddox gallery to draw people in and acted as a way of showcasing a significant piece in the window. The circular “frame” created when standing in front of the store creates an interesting illusion and highlights the event purpose to the public.

Credit: Jessica Holme

  1. Aerial Décor

Acting as both event signage and aerial décor, this spring town display in Perth was the perfect spring festival presentation. Using trailing plants and plenty of greenery, the florals had a secondary purpose to act as the welcome banner, as well as creating an interesting canopy overhead.

Credit: Lisa Halpin

  1. Floral Chandelier

Combined with teardrop crystals, this chandelier made from flowers is large and looming over the draped event venue. Using cascading flowers to create the hanging effect, this floral display also matches the other smaller matching pieces that are spread around the rest of the event floor.


5. Staircase

Stairs can be difficult to transform but work well if this is part of your event venues. Add a flair and make a statement by trailing flowers down the banister and stairs themselves. This is a stunning example of how the stairs were utilized and complimented by the candles, plus the added petals adds another layer of dimension, making the display seem thicker than it is and filling any unnecessary gaps.

  1. Backdrops

Turn a bland and boring wall into a blooming, live piece like this giant display that seems to blend in with the head table. Not only does it add texture and look intricate when combined with the up lighting but it also makes for an excellent photo opportunity.

Credit: Party Design Melbourne

  1. Tiny Trees

A stunning example of how the little details matter when it comes to floral displays. The arrangements at the top that appears to bloom from the intertwined “trunk” on the table is a fantastic effect. But what really sets this display apart is the hanging petal bulbs that are suspended from this tiny tree!

Credit: Anna-Rosa Events

  1. Intricately Themed

Go all out with an intricately themed floral display such as this baby shower feature piece that utilizes the tops of flowers and neatly combines them to create life-like flower props. This is an interesting way of presenting florals that negates the need for stems and vases, instead choosing to cover a frame to make each piece. Either way it creates an awesome effect that is definitely a talking point.

Credit: Rosengarten Flowers

  1. Looming Tablescape

A common floral design is to have “flower runners” down the centre of a long table to utilize space and add decoration to the middle of a table. However, this unique idea has hanging florals in between two flower pillars to create this dangling miniature canopy which, when combined with the beads looks intricate and impressive.

Credit: Neil Leeson

  1. Exhibition Logo’s

Flowers aren’t often seen at exhibitions and trade shows as part of the booth décor, but this is an example of branding with style. While we know it is a Wonder Woman logo, it just showcases how the use of floral can enhance your booth game.

Credit: Greenery Productions

  1. Hanging Cake Holder

This suspended, floral cake holder looks stunningly precarious and is bound to get guests talking as this flower display creates a bed for the wedding cake to rest on. The designs and color palette matches the larger, over the top canopy combination which makes this a lot of floral inspiration in one picture.

  1. Multi-Tiered Vases

If your flower piece is too big for a singular vase then this tiered effect is fantastic. Using table pedestals, the flowers feature on different levels, creating a beautiful stacked display that mimics a cake, making it perfect for a wedding, with flowers that could last much longer than displays that aren’t in water. Adding the large tree leaves to the floral display is also a clever way to gain height without having to spend too much.

Credit: Mr Z.Z

  1. Wearable

Flower displays don’t have to be limited to décor or venue enhancement but could in fact be worn, like these fairy wearable wings at the Goyder Pavilion for the Adelaide Show. Over the top displays like this could allow attendees to interact and get up close, while also giving staff the ability to cause a stir and start conversations. Plus, these wings would definitely suit many different event theme ideas.

Credit: Adelaide Event Floral

  1. Pineapple Party

Sometimes it’s fun to opt for quirky or entertaining and creating displays that look like something else can be a cute surprise and entertainment for the guests. This pineapple design is simple but effective, using vibrant colors to portray fruit without looking tacky. It’s definitely a diverse piece that could fit into both an informal party or a gala dinner.

Credit: Greenery Productions

  1. Lavish Centrepieces

What stands out with these centrepieces is that they come across as a simple but pretty design until you look closer and see a new detail each time. Whether it’s the clear vases with a submerged rose in them or the three different types of flower in the bush-like presentation of the main bouquet. The vases allow attendees to interact while the small, mini vases on the table help to add some décor at a lower level.

Credit: OvandoNY

  1. Tree Florals

A massive display using real tree trunk chunks to create these looming pieces at the Philadelphia Flower Show last year. Using vibrant, striking colors this display, added to the floor foliage gives off a wild vibe that attracts the eye and will definitely be a focal point with its large stature.

Credit: Poppas_Pics

  1. Escort Card Table

The escort card table can often be forgotten, serving only as a functional station that guests quickly move on from whereas this large, lustrous display makes it a focal point. The small urn with large reaching flowers looks like it is still growing and the smaller floral additions in similar stick vases help to contribute to the masses as you look at it.  

Credit: Reserve Modern Event Rental, Winston Flowers, Philip Deschamps, Four Seasons Hotel Boston

In Conclusion

It’s easy to see how these flowers could be showstoppers, and enhance the event itself. Don’t forget that you can use flowers for a dual purpose such as signage or sponsorship to make the most out of them and get more for your money.