Skift Meetings

TeuxDeux: Minimalistic Productivity

  • Skift Take
    Simple applications to get things done

    No secret I am a big fan of minimalism. When it gets to productivity, I like to be even more extreme. succeed, granular software sometimes deflects adoption for its complexity.

    Why we need simple tools

    We all know that events are projects. They require a great deal of planning, attention to details and accurate resource management. There is a great deal of software out there to help busy planners, glueing actions together.

    My opinion is that once you have drafted the plan, you need a minimal tool to get things done daily.

    Project Management software is usually dull and upsetting. I talked about Epic Win as a fun way to get you through the day, well, thanks to a tweet by Hannah Rose I discovered a nice tool I somehow missed. Enter TeuxDeux.

    What should you like about it?

    Its simplicity. Less is definitely more in this case. The week is carefully laid on the screen with beautiful, uncluttered design and simple fonts.

    The lack of settings is quite amazing. Let’s face it, when you take up on new software you are immediately overwhelmed with tutorials, best practices, opt-ins, opt-outs and so forth. I was amazed and refreshed to notice the lack of such options. It made me go back to the tool and use it more.

    What should you be aware of?

    TeuxDuex is not a replacement for complex project management software. It is instead a great substitute for pen and paper. To a certain extent it recreates that look and feel of block notes. Also the lack of integration with say Google Calendar or Outlook, makes it a bit of a tool designed for its own sake and therefore not scalable.

    Got Mobile?

    They do run an iPhone App that is paid for. In all fairness I love TeuxDeux business model. The core service is free via web and if you like it you can then buy the app. Great!

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