Skift Meetings

Study Shows Social Media Have Positive Impact on Face to Face

  • A new study released by Exact Target has shown a positive correlation between the use of social media and the propensity to meet.

    While addressing the myth that social media have a negative impact on users’ social life, the study found an astonishing truth:

    In short, individuals who are becoming more active on Facebook and Twitter are also interacting with friends in “real” (not virtual) settings more often, thereby busting the commonly-held myth that social media is making people less social. And while we agree that the seriousness of social media addiction—and how it can impact human interaction skills—is in fact a real concern, our data merely suggests that social media doesn’t typically produce a decrease in in- person, human interactions.

    Download the entire report here and kudos to Lies, Damned Lies and Statistics for spotting it

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