This is a short article with some tips to tweet from events and a nice infographic.
I’ll keep it short and sweet. I wanted to direct you to this infographic I found on Slideshare from Adam Kolburn of Social@Ogilvy with some basic tips for tweeting at events.
It is very simple (maybe too simple) but that is the beauty of it. It is a great share with your attendees specially if they are approaching event tweeting for the first time.
A Few More Tips
As I am fresh from my experience at #IMEX13, I thought to share a few myself:
– . This article can help.
– Do not wait till the day of the event to get tweeting, the best networking is done before the event starts when it is quieter. That is when the early adopters gather.
– Quality over Quantity. I kind of disagree with number 3 on the infographic (although it is a good tip for noobs) as there should be a lot of attention to quality. You don’t want to be caught #twomiting.
– Join a tweetup or start one. Tweetups are amazing, it’s always good to mingle with other tweeps.
In Conclusion
I believe this is a good basis of tips to share with your attendees.
This content is strategic to educate your attendees to use social media at events correctly. There is a substantial opportunity to leverage user generated content.
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